
I'd like to welcome you all to my blog spot. I blog about real life situations. I try to keep as entertaining as possible without being cliche and keeping real all at the same time. I appreciate any feedback and comments that my followers leave for me. I hope you enjoy.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Mom

*I haven't typed out a word and I'm already getting emotional just thinking about you*

I would like to first begin this by telling you I know there is no love like the love a Mother has for her child.  I was your first born and when my life began, we started on a new journey together.  I know you must've been scared out out of your mind when I first entered into this world.  But if I know you like I think I do, your worries quickly faded when you first held me.  Of all the many things you have accomplished, being a phenomenal mother tops that list.  I've heard a lot of women say "I was born to be a mother."  I know that if that was God's purpose for you.  You have exceeded His expectations.

I remember being as young as 3 and 4 years old riding around with you everywhere you went.  You started to refer to me as "your partner." We didn't make a move without each other.  Science projects, you were there.  School plays, you were there.  A million and one basketball games, you were there. And for every girl friend I've ever had you were there to take a picture of us (LOL).  When I think about you I can't remember a time you weren't there.  In the past year I've met a quite a few people that grew up without a mother.  I think that was for a reason.  This was God's way of trying to tell me that I'm blessed beyond belief to have such a wonderful woman in my life to call Mom.

I laugh every time I listen to Luther Vandross - Power of Love.  I was 6 years old and knowing every word to this song because of how much you would listen to it in the car. (LOL).  We share a bond that is special.  We don't always see eye to eye and we've had our moments.  But at the end of the day, what has kept us close and its because of how well we know each other's hearts.  For every time I threaten to go stay with my dad when I was younger, to you having to come "discipline" me at the Boys and Girls Club and for the times where we just couldn't seem to a hold a conversation without arguing.  We both know that we walked away those things more hurt than upset every time.  You know that I love more than life itself and vice versa.  That is why our relationship is as strong as it is.

I definitely have to thank you for raising me to be a man that knows how to love and respect women.  You deserve ALL the credit for this one.  You don't have share the credit with anyone.  You always made sure I treated every girl friend I ever had with the utmost respect.  From the time I was 15 and you would had $20 and tell me to make sure I paid for her movie ticket (Oh I how I wish I had your $20 now).  I can't even count how many times you drove up and down 595 and the Turnpike to take me to go see one of them.  But what I'm most thankful for is how honest you've always been with me when it came to these matters.  Never afraid to say "You know Flaco, I think you're messing up."  I know I didn't always take heed to what you had to say, but it never went unheard.  Mostly because you speak in a tone that it hard to ignore.  But seriously, someday I'll be married and I have no doubts my wife will be your biggest fan.  Thank you for that.

Lastly, I know today in particular is hard one for you.  Abuela isn't here with us anymore and although you've been really strong about it, I know it effects you everyday.  I know you miss taking her to church and taking her grocery shopping on Sundays.  Just remember that you two were able to share your bond for 44 years.  Nobody can take that from you and now it's our turn to share ours for what I hope be a very long time.  She's still with us because I see her every time I look at you.  I just wanted to wish the both of you a Happy Mother's Day and tell you that I love you so much.  Thank you Mom, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!


Your First Born

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